impact hypnosis brain activity perception

New Research Shows How Hypnosis Modifies Brain Activity and Perception Introduction to Hypnosis Research Three studies form the University of Zurich indicate that hypnosis modulates the functional connectivity of the brain's large networks and impacts the neurochemical environment in specific area. The Scientific Enigma of Hypnosis From a scientific standpoint, hypnosis has long remained an enigma. Until now, there has been insufficient data to determine whether it constitutes a a distinct state of human consciousness or is merely a product of imagination. Nevertheless, it continues to captivate researchers and the public alike. Public and Scientific Interest in Hypnosis Hypnosis continues to capture public and scientific interest, as evidenced by a recent in-depth feature in a leading women's magazine. Remarkable cases occasionally surface, including a 2018 incident at the Hirslanden Klinik St. Anna in Lucerne, where a 45-year-old patient underwent surgery to remove a metal p...