
Showing posts from October, 2024

walking short bursts energy consumption study

Walking in Short Bursts Increases Energy Consumption by 20% to 60%: Study Insights Introduction Researchers at the University of Milan, specializing in  patho physiology, found that intermittent stair climbing or walking results in  20% to 60% more energy consum ption  com pared to  performing these activities continuously over the same distance. Their study,  a p pearing  in the  Proceedings of the Royal Society B , involved monitoring oxygen intake as volunteers walked on treadmills or climbed stairs. Research Observations Metabolic Steady State The research team observed that existing energy ex penditure data ty pically reflects activities conducted at a  metabolically steady state , which occurs only after sustained effort. They questioned whether energy ex penditure might differ if individuals engaged in sto p-and-start exercises multi ple times. Study Methodology To ex plore this, they recruited  10 volunteers . Volunteers  pa...


Scientists Develop Synthetic Plants Capable of Purifying Indoor Air and Producing Electricity The Importance of Indoor Air Quality The average American spends about 90% of their life indoors, and the air quality in these environments, such as homes, schools, or work places, directly affects their health and wellness. However, the majority of air  purification systems are costly, bulky, and require regular maintenance or filter re placement to maintain  peak  performance. Groundbreaking Research by Binghamton University Binghamton University's Professor Seokheun 'Sean' Choi and Ph.D. researchers Maryam Rezaie are transforming their studies on bacteria- powered biobatteries-both ingestible and conventional-into a groundbreaking idea for artificial  plants ca pable of absorbing carbon dioxide, releasing oxygen, and generating small amounts of electricity. Publication of Research Findings The researchers have  published a  pa per outlining their results in th...